Mini Guide

Consiglio: Request: What healthy food can I keep in my room for when I can’t access the kitchen due to too many people living in a house-share?

Consiglio del giorno che ti può essere utile:

Most of the time it's fine but usually on Fridays or weekends my housemates have their kids over and they occupy the whole kitchen, usually in the evening (like 5pm to 11pm). I could theoretically use the kitchen while they're there but I'd rather jump off a bridge to be honest.

I have a kettle in my room and I always keep a big jug of water in my room too so I can make hot drinks or instant noodles but I want to avoid eating unhealthy stuff too often.

I also have some fruit and nuts in my room, but that's not enough for a whole dinner.

All I can think of is bread and some tinned stuff, like sardines in tomato sauce or spam.

Any ideas apart from going out or ordering food?