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Consiglio: Request: How to deal with a coworker that won’t use critical thinking?

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I have this coworker who is just covering for mat leave so won't be here forever…but at least another 8-9 months.

The girl who was in the position before talked me up because I helped her out a lot. I didn't mind doing this for her because she would come to me with the question saying she looked into this, that and the other thing, so the information was mostly ready she just needed someone to brainstorm with.

Since I was talked up the new girl automatically just “loved me”.

What I have found is the new girl will not know the answer to a question and will just ask me without trying to do any discovery herself. When she was new it was fine because she was new.

I have my own job to do and while I'm not crazy busy I don't want to spend time looking through her email for an answer she could find by…looking through her own email.

Keep in mind I am not her superior. I am in the exact same position as her, just in a different city.

What is a polite and direct way of asking “what steps have you taken to find an answer?”

Should I just say that and then ask her to do some discovery before reaching out to me?

Edit: I did not expect to get this much of a response. I can't reply to everyone but I have gotten some great advice.

Bonus Story: After writing this she asked me to do something and I replied:

“Since this is in old system and you might not remember when I showed you how to do this, I will do it.

You may want to discuss with boss how you will be changing customers in the new system though because I will be hands off with all your city invoices once that is rolling. “