Mini Guide

Consiglio: — If you’re using an automated car wash, always wait for the car ahead to begin their wash before entering your code.

Consiglio del giorno che ti può essere utile:

Posting bc this happened to me, and pretty sure the car ahead of me scammed me. I was in line for an automated car wash, and the car ahead of me drove in. I didn’t realize it at the time, but their wash wasn’t beginning. After a few moments, I put my code in so I’d be queued to be next up.

Their car wash started, then the screen prompted me for a code. That’s when I realized that MY code initiated THEIR wash.

Wether or not the person did this knowingly/maliciously is up for debate, and I wasn’t about to make a big deal out of it, but either way, don’t let it happen to you. Always wait for the wash ahead of you to begin, and save yourself a few bucks!