Mini Guide

Consiglio: How to deal with “that guy” in the office.

Consiglio del giorno che ti può essere utile:

Most places of work have one, the pain in the ass who likes nothing better than to humiliate fellow coworkers. Where I work is no exception, and I learned a new trick to combat his assholery. One day I was driving home and a favorite song of mine came on and I started singing to it. Fortunately I was alone in the car because this boy can't sing, but it's hardly a unique activity. Well apparently this guy saw me and tried to give me shit about it the next morning when the office was the most crowded.

“Damn, you all should have seen 'Dan' yesterday in his car…he was singing his ass off!!!”.

I was sitting right across from him and kept my reply simple.


All eyes turned back to him, but he had nothing more to add. It's not exactly the most humiliating accusation, but he was fishing for a reaction and didn't get it, now the onus was back on him. He sat there for a second, shrugged then turned towards his computer in deafening silence.

TlDr: Don't overreact when dealing with droll jackasses, just quietly turn the attention back to them and they'll usually shut down pretty quickly.

Edit: I blame spell-checker

Another edit: Folks this isn't “AITAH”, the point isn't whether or not my particular reaction was appropriate (if you were in the room you'd realize that it was), but if you find yourself in such a position this quick, simple reply can be very effective with minimal drama. That's all.