Domande di Internet

Your nationality gives you game-like stats. What would your nationality buffs and debuffs be?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Your nationality gives you game-like stats. What would your nationality buffs and debuffs be?
Your nationality gives you game-like stats. What would your nationality buffs and debuffs be?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Immune to spiders, can tolerate alcohol, can not get sun burned and has the worst fucking internet

Efficiency +20
Humour – 80

I’m Spanish so:

+20 charisma but I need to sleep after every meal

Cold resistance: -10

Heat resistance: +20

Stealth: +90

Agility: +10

I’m Vietnamese.

Cold resistance: -10

Heat resistance: -10

Charisma: +20

I’m British