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You go to sleep on the 31st of December 2020 and wake up the next day but when you check your phone, it says January 1st 2020, after the first couple of days you realize it’s just like groundhog day, what do you do with the information you have about 2020?

JUST like Groundhog Day, eh? Well, some very bad things will happen to some very bad people. And if I get caught, who cares? Just kill myself in jail like Epstein didn’t and start over.

I would make huge bets on what’s going to happen. I prepare for COVID to get really big. I buy as much hand sanitizer as possible. I then just wait it out until the end of the year, maybe buying large amounts of masks.

Buy LOTS of put options.

Invest in Zoom, heavily. Then I move to New Zealand.

I have at least four lives to save.
All else is secondary; save those four.
Everything else pales by comparison.