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Winter is coming! What are some winter life hacks/tips that will help make this winter a little more bearable?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Winter is coming! What are some winter life hacks/tips that will help make this winter a little more bearable?
Winter is coming! What are some winter life hacks/tips that will help make this winter a little more bearable?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Change your fucking tires, please, for the love of god.

Get a couple pairs of long thermal underwear and a long sleeved thermal shirt. Keep them under your clothes and you won’t need many layers until it gets colder.

Start taking Vitamin D now, don’t wait until you’re depleted.

Keep an extra snow shovel in your car in case you get stuck away from home. Also, a blanket for warmth and some kitty litter for car traction.

Get the slip on microspikes for your shoes/boots. These are a great investment and can save you from slips and falls.

I don’t live in a cold climate but I’ve been told that gloves are designed to keep your hands from getting cold not to warm them up. So put your gloves on before your hands get cold.