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Who here is sick of every damn thing turning into a bloody conspiracy theory?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Who here is sick of every damn thing turning into a bloody conspiracy theory?
Who here is sick of every damn thing turning into a bloody conspiracy theory?

Ed ecco le risposte:

It’s just frustrating because child abuse and child trafficking are absolutely horrible, but somehow people only seem to care when they can attach some absurdly deranged evil fantasy to it, like celebrities and the royal family sacrificing children to some weird lizard god and drinking their blood.

You’re already dealing with an absolutely horrendous and evil reality, one that absolutely destroys the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent children, and it gets completely warped and destroyed because of the stupid Pizzagate-Q Anon-#savethechildren bullshit. Now actual child trafficking agencies can’t even do their job because of all these retards.

That’s not to say pedophilia doesn’t exist in elite circles, it certainly does. It exists everywhere. In your neighborhood, right now, a child is probably being sexually abused, while you post irrelevant Q-Anon garbage that does absolutely fucking nothing to fight it.

Exactly what someone would say who would want to Cover Up the truth

Case in point:

Just this morning, a new conspiracy theory is being bandied about that Trump is faking being tested positive for COVID so he can get out of further debates and get sympathy and further support.

Because we’re living in a Dystopian cyber nightmare where everyone in connected and nothing can be taken as truthful anymore.

Every thing can be a conspiracy theory if authorities and their promoters and the tails pretend so