Bentornati ad un’altra straordinaria edizione delle domande di cultura generale!
Questa volta abbiamo cercato una domanda rivolta ai ragazzi.
I have 4 women and like 15 kids at my house right now. I already walked around Home Depot twice.
Where else can I go??
Ed ecco le risposte:
Go park in a parking garage and take a refreshing car nap
“Sorry guys, I’m not feeling very well”
*go up to my bedroom, close the door, and lay down in bed playing on my phone or reading a book*
Set up a small MMA league with the kids and throw a PPV for the ladies
Dana White them
Watch a movie then write a full review on it (around 700 to 1200 words). Send me a PDF of the review by the end of the day
Suggest group sex. I’m sure your wife will tell you where to go!