Domande di Internet

What’s the most high risk, low reward thing you’ve ever done?

Once got in a fit of road rage…

  • A guy cut me off on the interstate, so I honked at him (wasn’t a quick honk, it was a longer one, few seconds)

  • Guy slows down and matches the speed of the car in the right lane, so I’m blocked now.

  • I flash my headlights and honk again

  • He proceeds to spit out his sunroof and it hits my windshield

  • He then accelerates heavily back to speed

  • I floor it, move to the right lane and move to pass him

  • He floors it, now we’re both going faster (definitely got over 85mph, limit was 65 IIRC)

  • Coming up quickly on a delivery truck in the right lane (he’s still in the left, I’m in the right) I punch it harder

  • I just barely get in ahead of him then cut him off, maybe 50ft before the delivery truck.

  • I slow down and match the speed of the delivery truck. Wait for probably a minute at that speed (speed limit) then pass the delivery truck and move right. (he had been tailgating me and half driving on the shoulder)

  • Guy floors and flies past, I return to going 5 over the speed limit.

Lots of risk, zero reward. I was a complete idiot and there was nothing to gain. Saved no time and endangered at least 3 lives, if not more (mine, other guy, and delivery truck)

Sent my boss a glitter bomb, never told anyone who sent it. The whole organization, thousands of people, know it happened, boss flipped out when glitter went everywhere. I’ll never tell anyone.

Going way beyond the speed limit when I first started driving

Marrying my wife.

Using a razor to manscape