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What was the most petty thing an adult did to you, when you were younger?

My family had all our belongings stolen while at the beach when I was young. Inside that stuff was my favorite cap, my only cap. I remember I loved that hat and wore it everyday everywhere. At that age I was at that held big time sentimental value.

This woman who was with us at th time started to antagonize me and make fun of me about how upset I was. I was like 6 or 7, because my parents lost more valuable things like a digital camera. Which as an adult I can understand, but as a kid, trying to deal with this great unjust that not even my parents could make better, it was a big deal.

This woman pushed and pushed until I yelled at her to ” go away, leave me alone!”, Typical out of character stuff for me.

She reacted like a true Karen and made up this whole thing to my mother that I was being rude and disrespectful and was telling at her and called her names. So my mother punished me…

That was like 20 years ago…no I’m not holding a grudge

I was in school and it was Friday. We were doing afternoon arts and crafts. I was a little more colourful personality wise as a kid so I was chatty. My teacher yelled at me in front of everyone “you are a real pain on Fridays”!!! out of nowhere. I was upset and shocked. I remained quiet for the rest of the day.

My dad used to make fun of my butt saying it was fat and he would call me fiona the monster from shrek

Mom kicked me out when I told her she ought to stop taking the only money I could earn post-high school to buy herself drugs.

I was feeling sick one day in grade 3 or 4 and the substitute teacher wouldn’t let me go to the nurse’s office because “I didn’t look sick enough.”

I had strep throat.

My swimming teacher promised me a candy bar if I jumped off the board when I couldn’t swim and when I did they said they forgot ,but I saw them eating one in the lounge. I was 5 and I was betrayed.