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What video game has the potential to be made into a genuinely good movie?

Wolf Among Us

Novus Inceptio;

It’s about a clone, the first human to step foot on the Earth since an apocalypse. With the old Earth overgrown, he must survive the elements, and build the beginning of humanity’s first civilization in thousands of years. You get a little bit of help along the way by randomly appearing anomalies, temporal distortions that send you back in time.

Subnautica would be an insane movie, as well, but I doubt anyone needs a description of that one.

Gears of war

Fire Emblem

Castlevania as a horror action movie. A Belmont battling all sorts of disturbing creatures and entities leading to a confrontation with Dracula at the end. The surreal, gothic architecture within the castle could make for some excellent cinematography, and the unique soundtrack to the games could be adapted for the score.