Domande di Internet

What subInternet changed you for the better?

Hopefully r/personalfinance
It’s too early to know for sure, but I feel like I’m moving in the right direction. Coming from a family without much money (my dads only retirement is social security) i didn’t really know what to do with my money, besides buy things and pay bills. But now, though I don’t have much savings yet, I feel like I have a plan.

In r/amitheasshole, I’d sometimes come up with a verdict but then I’d read the comments and change my opinion drastically. It just helped me realize the countless sides to any disagreement.

this one.

it’s the only sub that I’m subscribed to.

r/audiomeditation/ helps me relax and go to sleep when I am stressed or tired.

r/tippytaps . it’s just made me a happier person