Domande di Internet

What subInternet changed you for the better?

r/ADHD. It made me realize how many common symptoms come back to ADHD and how to deal with them in a way that actually works. (A lot of times, strategies that work for neurotypical people don’t work for people with ADHD, yet we’re recommended to do those things anyway.) I’m also pretty high functioning, so it gave me a greater appreciation and sympathy of people with low functioning ADHD.

I would say r/buildapc. It gave me the confidence to build my first desktop, and a few more for friends afterwards. Now I enjoy tinkering with hardware and have discovered related hobbies such as r/MechanicalKeyboards.


r/aspergers I was happy to know that people have similar experiences to mine !!

r/raisedbynarcissists. I somehow stumbled upon it and it finally gave me some answers and showed me I wasn’t crazy, my father was not normal. The validation was crazy