Domande di Internet

What opinion did you have in your youth that you’re now deeply ashamed of?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What opinion did you have in your youth that you’re now deeply ashamed of?
What opinion did you have in your youth that you’re now deeply ashamed of?

Ed ecco le risposte:

I used to get bullied a lot, and when I heard a couple of girls I wrongly looked up to making fun of my only friend in middle school, I told her I didn’t want to be friends with her anymore because I was embarrassed and wanted to fit in with the cool girls. I still feel bad about it and it’s been like 10 years.

I always thought it would be really cool to be the “hero”. Thoughts of saving my friends and taking the bullet always flourished through my younger self.

Education wasn’t worth my time.

I wish I had focused on studying earlier in life. It’s difficult playing catch up.

I was an extreme racist. I used to separate people for their skull shapes ect.. now I’m cringing but I also appreciate the fact that I got rid of that terrible idea.

I used to really judge girly girls who wore makeup, liked fashion etc. I was a classic ‘notlikeothergirls’ girl. Then I realised that it was actually just internalised misogyny and embraced feminine things too!