Domande di Internet

What kind of people do you not respect?


People who think that their own opinions are facts.

The kind of people who will literally shame you for liking things that that person doesn’t like.

Like if someone says to you, “my favorite kind of music is country,” and you’re like, “eeeeew, COUNTRY MUSIC?? you like COUNTRY MUSIC?? COUNTRY MUSIC SUCKS! why the HELL do you like THAT garbage??”

If you respond with something like that, you’re only making the other person/people unhappy or uncomfortable, and people will lose respect for you. If you respond with something like, “oh, you like country? that’s cool. it’s not really my type, but you enjoy it, and that’s cool. i personally like rap music more.” that’s a totally fine thing to say, and everyone is happy in the end.

People that annoy you on purpose.

Racist, pedophiles, and the Kardashian family