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What is your favorite Greek god/myth?

Persephone and Hecate are my favorite Greek deities my favorite myth is probably the story of echo

Artemis, she doesnt put out, and she runs around doing shit being all fit and stuff

Gaia. she f*cked her own son but she’s allpowerful

Hera. There’s pretty solid evidence that her worship predates the Olympians, and she’s been much maligned in later myths.

I think she needs to be reclaimed. I have an altar to her on my bookshelf.

Arachnea, the knitter, being turned into a spider after beating Athena in a knitting/ weaving/ something contest. Athena was passed not because she had lost but because Arachnea chose to depict over of her father’s (Zeus) infidelities in the piece she wove.

Everything about Aphrodite, she’s the only goddess who chose her husband, and Hephaestus the only god who worked.

Pandora and how it correlates with the Christian myth of creation that depicts a disobedient woman as the one who dooms mankind. It was most likely a case and not a box and hope was lingering there after all of the other evils escaped because holding onto irrational hope in a hopeless situation is actually something negative.

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