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What is the sexual code of conduct for astronauts on space missions? How do they deal with sexual needs during extended flights? Are they allowed to jerk off in the ISS or in the space shuttle they travel?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What is the sexual code of conduct for astronauts on space missions? How do they deal with sexual needs during extended flights? Are they allowed to jerk off in the ISS or in the space shuttle they travel?
What is the sexual code of conduct for astronauts on space missions? How do they deal with sexual needs during extended flights? Are they allowed to jerk off in the ISS or in the space shuttle they travel?

Ed ecco le risposte:

I’ve done some small research on this (on google I’m not a scientist) and from what I’ve found the low gravity effects blood pressure and your hormones in some way making an errection nearly impossible. Water also clings to the skin rather than rolling off or evaporating so things would get uncomfortable fast if the astronauts were given medical stimuli to induce arousal, if too much sweat builds up they might need a towel to keep going. In this case you might actually need a third person just to keep things from getting TOO wet

My man asking the real questions here

Pfft, amateurs. You jerk off into the space and it rains down to earth as little meteors, that’s how it is.

As far as I know no one ever got laid in space (officially), I think getting bonner is much harder, no pun intended, in microgravity.

That being said I believe they jerk off and discard it the same way as the other rejects, they must do it in a ziplock bag.

I’d imagine it’d be like sleeping in a snow globe after a while