To give the fcuk for only important things that you can change.
This is a good question. One of my professors in college used to tell us that his secret to happiness was the crisp morning air. He insisted we all take up at 5am and take in the morning air. I tried it once but thought it was stupid so didn’t do it anymore.
You can’t control what other people do, but you can control how you react to it.
Find a flavor of belief that speaks to you. We all need to believe in something. We all need rules to live our lives by.
r/taoism let go and flow
r/buddhism it is your ego and your desires that makes you unhappy
r/stoicism apply wisdom to your daily choices in order to live as a thriving rational being
These are my favorites, but the list is endless, find what vibes with you.
Dont fear death. I got increasingly happy after I stopped fearing death typically most fears have their impact because of the fact that it will mostly cause death heights, fire, dark, sea, dogs, (insert fear here/) because they are likely to cause death if you get over the fear of death you get over most other fears