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What is the most severe case of someone being completely out of touch with reality you’ve ever seen?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What is the most severe case of someone being completely out of touch with reality you’ve ever seen?
What is the most severe case of someone being completely out of touch with reality you’ve ever seen?

Ed ecco le risposte:

“Do you not envy us?”

One of my guides in North Korea

EDIT: Some pics because why not

North Koreans by the train tracks

Plain clothes agent following our group around

North Korean sailor guarding the capture US spy ship (USS Pueblo)


In college I had a roommate from the most sheltered part of Long Island. We met an exchange student from Switzerland and I swear to god she said this in complete seriousness: “Oh wow I didn’t know people actually lived in Switzerland, I thought there were just banks there!”

I worked on shifts with a guy for years who thought every single person was out to get him. I’ve never met anyone who had such a warped sense of reality.

He would joke on with someone then go away for the weekend and stew on one particular thing, then come in on Monday absolutely raging over taking something the complete wrong way.

I’ve seen him attack 2 people and heard about a third. Thing is he’s so dopey, everyone thinks he’s harmless and “that’s just the way he is”.

A guy I trained as an apprentice has just started on shifts with him, doesn’t take anyone being a dick well at all. I think they’ll do well together haha.

The pastor of a small town church insisted that members set up the parish hall and provide food and beverages for 125 people after every Sunday service, even though the average attendance was only around 20 people.

Week after week, month after month, much food would be disposed of and large urns of coffee dumped down the sink – and all because the pastor was in denial about the reality of weekly attendance.

My parents’ neighbour thought that her garden was too small for her sons to play in. So when she met my parents for the first time, the first thing she actually said was “Can you give me some of your garden so my sons have more space to play in?”. Thankfully my parents just said no.

For context, they live in a very expensive neighbourhood where houses cost on average from £750,000 to £1 million. The gardens in that neighbourhood are a lot bigger on average than the majority of gardens in the UK. I’ve never heard a story of somebody being as painfully out of touch as that woman.