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What is the most creepy/unnerving experience that’s ever happened to you? (Serious)

Wife and I were eating at a restaurant when two men came in and just sat by the entrance. One was wearing what looked like construction type clothes, and the other was dressed very dapper. We got up to leave, and as soon as we walked by the nicely dressed man followed right behind and then just stood outside of the entrance to the restaurant. We got in my car and drove to the grocery store that was in the same parking lot. When we got out, that man was standing right in front of the entrance of the grocery store, and talking on the phone. At this point we were aware that something was up, so I told my wife to stay in the store while I grabbed the car. She said no, as she didn’t want to be alone, so when we walked out we locked arms.

The guy was gone, but when we approached my car, both the dapper man and the construction man had pulled their car a row behind mine and both were standing halfway out with the doors open and car running staring at us. I walked my wife to the passenger side, then stared at them as I walked around the back and pulled my shirt over my pistol so that they could see it (conceal carry permit). They did, and immediately shut their doors and backed out. We called the police to tell them what had happened and they sent out a unit to patrol the parking lot for a few days.

It might seem like an overreaction to some, but at the time we lived in the ‘sex trafficking capital’ of America.

When I was about 14 I was walking on the sidewalk when I passed an old man dressed in what looked like monk robes, although they didn’t seem to belong to any religion that I knew (e.g Buddhist/Taoist monks). As I passed him he suddenly tapped me and said “tell you the future?” I instinctively dismissed him and said “no thanks” but right as I took a step to walk off he grabbed my forearm really hard and yanked me back and started getting agitated shouting “big disaster coming for you!” I’m not shaken by it anymore and in all likelihood it may have been a crazy person but I still recall the incident from time to time and get confused all over again.

It was unnerving for me.

I was walking back from the corner store and I had taken 5 hits of acid a few hours prior. I heard this rumbling from a dumpster. When I went to go check it out a cat jumped out of the fucking thing and scared the shit out of. I got so scared that I started to dry heave. I didn’t know that was a thing that people do let alone I am one of those people.

I try to puke when I am seriously scared

When I was 14, I began experiencing what is known as “head explosions.” This is a strange condition in which people will hear a loud explosion-like sound while sleeping, causing them to shoot awake in a panic. To me, it sounds a lot like a loud object banging into the side of shipping container.

Well, the staircase in my house when I was 14 was directly adjacent to my room, on the far side, and at the bottom was a large dresser for shoes. The first night I experience an “explosion,” I believed that one of my parents had fallen down the stairs and slammed into the dresser. I shot up and ran into the hall, staring into the darkness at nothing. I went upstairs and saw both my parents asleep (they slept with the door open), and I returned to bed.

Sometime after I fell back asleep I heard the sound again. This time I ran out faster, saw nothing, but started calling out to my parents. They didn’t respond, and I was actually too freaked out to go up the stairs. This continued two more times, and by the last one I had my head under the sheets because I truly believed my house was haunted.

This happened periodically, and I just went on believing my house was haunted. I told my parents, told other people, and mostly it was met with skepticism or flat out dismissal.

As an adult, about 20 or so, I had my first explosion since out of that house. It was then that I began thinking there was just something wrong with me. A little research later and I discover a lot of people experience it. I was actually quite irritated, because I would continuously speak to my parents about what I was hearing, but they never even bothered to look into it themselves. At least the house wasn’t actually haunted.

Being in situations with people where I wanted to leave & wasn’t physically able to