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What is the longest you would wait to sleep with a woman before ending the relationship? Why?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato una domanda rivolta ai ragazzi. What is the longest you would wait to sleep with a woman before ending the relationship? Why?

Ed ecco le risposte:

My current girl waited 5 dates, but I could see she clearly wanted to on the first date.

It’s not a matter of time, it’s when she shows a clear lack of desire. When I see a woman that clearly wants to, but has the self control to wait a few dates, that adds a lot of points in my book.

Depends on the reason. If she isn’t comfortable doing it with someone she doesn’t know that well, completely understandable and I’d wait for months. If she wants to wait until marriage or otherwise withholds sex like a prize I’d have to earn, I’m out. Sex should be something we both want to have with each other, plain and simple.

Considering how slow I like to take things, she’d probably be waiting for me to be ready.

it depends, is there still physical affection? am I still free to express attraction? is she making it clear she is attracted to me?

sex itself isn’t so much a need as a side effect of finding what I need but if she wants to wait then I’d question if I’m being lead on with sex, and that sex will never be something we do together rather a carrot she uses to manipulate me

No actual time limit…BUT … if I feel it’s a game or if there’s issues preventing it then there’d best be open communication about it or we are done…

I waited 10 years, and when I helped her understand that we wouldn’t have a lifelong sexless relationship, she ended it.

Until I feel like she’s pulling my leg and doesn’t just want to make sure we’re good for each other long term. Maybe a month?