bringing two carry on bags when your cheap ass ticket only allows one. you’re wasting everyone’s time. or bringing a carry on bag that’s too large. fuck you. buying stuff and waiting til the last minute to empty it so we have to bring the bin again or have to remove it when the plane is being cleaned. rude.
Bringing your truck into the shop with piss jugs, shitty underwear or a goddamn toilet hole in the floor of the bunk. All true stories.
Replying to my email asking me a question that was answered in the email to which you are replying.
adding the test to the regression matrix when you verify it. i’m the worsstttttt about this, i’m sorry coworkers
(it isn’t like it doesn’t get added; we have a jira field to track its addition. just… i tend to leave it for people to clean up after me. in my defense i’m mostly writing manuals and release notes when they’re doin that, not like just horsin around)
Either just vacating the room without notifying the front desk first, or leaving the room a filthy mess.