Domande di Internet

What is something you severely dislike about Internet?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What is something you severely dislike about MassimoL?
What is something you severely dislike about MassimoL?

Ed ecco le risposte:

You can start a great thread with a unique topic and it gets 5 responses , no upvotes and it disappears.

Then you see the same threads on the main page with 15,000 upvotes which is basically a repost or the same exact what is your favorite movie thread but phrased differently than the day before

The immaturity of a lot of posters

Over-repetition of the same meme formats.

The lack of actual discussion. You see a post on the front page and its just the same joke 12 times and then weird references. Any time somebody has a different opinion it gets down voted instead of just communicating and learning why they believe what they do.

Echo chambers. When a community refuses to see an opposing point of view and will downvote someone to where they delete the comment, or the moderators ban someone for the comment.