Domande di Internet

What is something you passionately hate and can complain about in length?

The BBC. It used to be good. Back around 30 or 40 years ago when there wasn’t any choice on TV. Now good Tv is all over the place, either free or cheap and the BBC sucks £155 out of me every year …. and I rarely see anything good on any of its channels. TV license is compulsory (you can go to prison if you don’t have one).

I watch their news output and compare it to some of the other news outlets and it’s very biased in favour of the govt. They broadcast appalling amounts of propaganda… usually cloaked in some sort of patriotic bullshit. Since 2010 the govt installed 120 conservative sympathisers at the very top of the BBC and their influence has filtered down into the news programmers via the editors. You can’t trust the BBC anymore.

It’s sad because I’m old enough to remember the BBC when it was good. Tons of great shows, music programmes, John Peel on the radio 5 nights a week, film seasons of films actually worth watching …. now its just junk …. crappy ‘reality’ lifestyle shows of people buying antiques or cooking on endless shitty competitions, soap operas that have been going forever and flogging-a-dead-horse formats that should have been put out to pasture decades ago…. Dragon’s Den, the Apprentice etc.

The BBC seems to really be aimed at unquestioning morons now. Real lowest common denominator bottom feeders.

I could go on at much greater length, but you get the idea. And I’m paying £155 a year for this shit.

When people drag their feet on carpet. The sound makes me want to die.

People who get into the passing lane and drive the same fucking speed as everyone around them so no one can actually fucking pass anyone

Bad pet owners

Religion but I don’t want to offend anyone…