Domande di Internet

What is something that’s usually considered unattractive but YOU find attractive?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What is something that’s usually considered unattractive but YOU find attractive?
What is something that’s usually considered unattractive but YOU find attractive?

Ed ecco le risposte:

I love a good, strong nose on a girl.

My boyfriend has inset canine teeth, it makes his smile a little goofy, but I think it’s freaking adorable. If someone looks too perfect I’m not into it, I love an adorable natural flaw. Like the human version of a puppy with one ear that flops down and one up.

It was never a conscious thing, but looking back at women I’ve dated or had a crush on… It can’t be denied. I like big noses and I cannot lie.

Shyness. Shy guys are the best most sweet souls on the planet.

Chubby girls kill me. They look so soft I wanna hug them… [very sorry to all the thicc queens reading this]