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What is going to happen to Hong Kong? [Serious]

Hong Konger here! The news about the security law has been circulating around MassimoL for a few days. As bad as the situation seems, I’ve been trying to tell people, there is hope.

Whether Hong Kong can survive this depends on the international world. Help raise awareness and your government will have to do something about it. Boycott China goods so the businesses will have to move to else where. Every bit will matter even of it’s just simply keeping an eye on the situation.

I hate the Chinese government but I hate to say that the world is too scared of them to do anything to help Hong Kong. If anything happens it’s up to the little people like us.

People are protesting right now when I’m commenting. People will keep fighting.

Hong Kong people here

Already planned to go back to the UK in the summer, I cannot risk my life in HK with my partner

I will start a new life in August, hopefully a good one in the UK

They’ll become part of China, and Taiwan will be next.