Domande di Internet

What insult was so mean that it permanently damaged your self-esteem?

My ex and I had a common friend. When we were still dating he told our friend, “she’s like a puppy”.
Our friend confided this info to me. I thought it was a good thing until he said that he added “you can do whatever you want and say whatever you want and she’ll still be happy to see you”
My forgiving personality was taken for granted.

“You run weird.”

I got made fun of for my teeth when I was young. They were all over the place and I had to have braces TWICE and a permanent retainer to fix them.

No notable insult comes to mind, but the other kids would laugh if I smiled or laughed because they were making fun of my teeth.

I’m 31 with a beautiful smile now and I’m still weird about smiling.

I was kind-of a fat kid, and my brother used to bully me a lot about it. And I feel like everyone thought of me back then as “just that nerdy fat kid”. Now, I’m slightly on the chubbier side but I still feel like I’m fat. I’m also self conscious about my smile and the way I laugh because one kid in middle school did an impression of it as a “joke” and it’s stuck with me. I’m also insecure about my voice because I was very very lonely in highschool, I barely spoke to anyone so I kinda think my voice sounds weird and that I have a weird way of speaking. No insult on that last part but I overheard once that a girl told a teacher in highschool like “yeah, he has a trouble with speaking, he kinda speaks oddly” which just cemented my insecurity.

When I was in school I was often called a “Garden gnome” because I was short and fat I guess. I never forgot that. I remember seeing a picture on someone’s Facebook of me in a crowd and someone had wrote “look in the back! Found the gnome”. It hurt, because I was never even mean to these kids but they hated me enough to do that.