Domande di Internet

What fruit do you dislike, but adore as an icecream, candy, etc. flavour?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What fruit do you dislike, but adore as an icecream, candy, etc. flavour?
What fruit do you dislike, but adore as an icecream, candy, etc. flavour?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Cherries. I’m allergic to natural cherries, but I love cherry candy and Cherry Coke.

The pineapple flavored gummy bear is legendary


Watermelon. I used to love watermelon, but for whatever reason I can’t keep it down anymore.

Also, who the fuck thought up Blue Raspberry?

I hate tomatoes but I will eat the hell out of salsa. When I make salsa, I load up the tomatoes. Plus I love ketchup.