Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What did your friend do that accidentally turned you on?
What did your friend do that accidentally turned you on?
Ed ecco le risposte:
A girl I became friends with on a school trip in high school fell asleep on my shoulders on the ride back.
I’m 28 and I’m still coasting on that memory.
Decide to randomly put their legs on your lap to sleep while in a car.
When she put her hands on the back of her neck while leaning on the table and her eyes never left yours while listening to you. Instant turn on..
I was off from college for about a week, I came back and a friend of mine who I hung out with everyday ran up and hugged me, but as she hugged me she jumped and wrapped her legs around me and we were just looking at each other.
Should have just went for it but alas, I only realised after the fact months later.
If I could go back in time I’d punch myself in the balls.
Pet my head. I’m sensitive up there