Major headaches when I stop drinking it, slight anxiety if I don’t have time to stop for it because now I’m out of my morning routine and my WHOLE DAY is ruined. I started drinking coffee at 15-16 because I was a figure skater and I skated at 5am before school, so on the way to the rink my dad always got a coffee and I always stole it to try to wake me up. I’m trying to stop because I have severe heartburn and yet somehow that hasn’t made me quit. Tea isn’t the same.
Started drinking coffee when I was 13. I discovered mochas and I was hooked from there.
I’m far more hyper and more productive after a well made cup of bean juice.
You ask like that’s a thing I can remember… I’ve been drinking the nectar of the gods for so long there is no “before”
No real change, started drinking it around 10 years old. I’ve cut back because, while I love the taste, I don’t like how having a cup every day means I’m more caffeine tolerant and I’d like for caffeine to work on me.
Hated the taste but started drinking it when I lived in Italy for a while when I was 16 because nothing they eat regularly has fiber in it.
I’ve gone through ups and downs in how much I drink, currently 2 cups a day (morning and after lunch) but they are strong and large cups. They don’t effect my poops too much anymore because I eat healthy, work out, and water doesn’t cost more than wine anymore, so those are fine already.
I have a high tolerance as far as I won’t get jitters even if I drink a lot, and that has definitely built up over time. I’ve always been able to drink it right before bed and be fine. I also get a light headache if I don’t have any for a few days. But as long as I get enough sleep, I could function perfectly fine without it.
So the initial change I noticed was poops, but the long term change is a convenient way to get over lulls in productivity at work. It’s also a nice thing to be able to drink it before bed since when my friends are drinking booze on weekends I can stay up late with them and it will help keep me from dozing off so I can be part of the fun, but I can still go to bed right after.