In Batman Begins, during his initiation into the League of Shadows Bruce Wayne refuses to kill the man that was sentenced to death. During the resulting fight with Ras al-Ghul and the League, he blows up the League hideout, resulting (likely) in dozens of deaths, including the he man he refused to execute.
You could probably fill a book with Nolan’s plot holes. Dude is sloppy af
most of the last 2 seasons of GoT.
low-hanging fruit, i know, but jesus…what were they thinking?
How does Bruce become professor Hulk? They never explain. They just want me to accept it, which I won’t!
- Does E.T. need a bike to fly? It seems like if he needed love and friendship to fly than he should of been able to fly even before the chase. 2. In the movie indiana jones and the raiders of the lost ark indiana jones doesn’t need to be there AT ALL. If he wasn’t there the Nazis still would have got the ark and they still would have opened it. The only thing that indiana jones did is lock it in a warehouse and it was supposed to go to a museum
So correct me if I’m wrong but my fiancé and I watched the original Hellraiser last night. So spoilers ahead..
Anyways. Towards the end of the movie after Kirsty makes good on a deal with Pinhead to hand over Frank they almost immediately turn on her and try to take her down as well. She of course sends them away via the Lament Configuration.
Just confused me, maybe I missed something but it just seemed like a dumb plot point with no explanation other than “Rah! Were the bad guys!”.