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What are some disturbing, yet thought-provoking things ?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What are some disturbing, yet thought-provoking things ?
What are some disturbing, yet thought-provoking things ?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Life can be over any moment. Last Friday, a teacher at my school suddenly died because her heart just stopped working. This made me realize I might as well say the great compliments I always wanted to say to my friends, because they won’t hurt anybody and it is great to see my friends smile 🙂 you know, before it is too late

Artists with dementia. Look it up, about the saddest and interesting as hell thing I’ve seen.

how a kid on xbox live can fuck my mother when i’m still a virgin. it ain’t right man

At one point, in the not too distant future,, you will be forgotten forever.

Best to make the most of it and acknowledge my children’s survival and comfort will be reliant on whatever generational wealth I leave behind. No time to be selfish, you’re going to die and be forgotten anyway.

At least make the memory of you pleasant for the few that will remember you until you die off as a memory when they die.

Roughly 1/3 of homicides go unsolved.

That doesn’t say everything, though. Some cities like Baltimore only have ~30% clearance rates.