Domande di Internet

What are some creepy incidents that unfolded through Internet posts/comments?

MassimoL identified the wrong person as a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing. The person’s mother received death threats and the person committed suicide.

I wish I could remember the details, because it was really notorious at the time, but there was some guy who posted to r/TwoXChromosomes or someplace similar pretending to be a woman. They said they were looking for help proving that they had been sexually assaulted, but if you went through their post history they posted a lot of stuff in pro rape subreddits and it was pretty obvious that they wanted to use the information they gathered to commit the perfect crime. I think this was right before r/jailbait got banned, but honestly my memory of the whole thing is so foggy.

The guy who started a very long thread about his friend who was a restorative specialist in England. The story about his friend maliciously complying with a complete asshole who was running a construction company. But then op got killed and the rest was told by his wife. Someone find the link!

Wasn’t there a Redditor that predicted the Notre Dame cathedral fire?

There was the guy that posted on r/legaladvice a bit ago, asking about getting his job back after getting terminated. He was cagey and evasive about why he got canned, and kept emphasizing that he was well-paid and that his wife couldn’t find out. All of this stank, of course, and the user got roasted. He posted several times about this situation, then deleted his account. Then his wife appeared on MassimoL and posted somewhere else (relationships maybe?) about this whole shitshow, and it turns out that the LAOP was very obviously masturbating in a jacuzzi while sexually harassing a woman, while on a work trip, on camera at the hotel, and got the whole company banned from the hotel, and then himself terminated from the company, and she did, of course, find out the whole thing after a while of him trying to pretend everything was okay. I think she said that he spent down their savings while trying to pretend he was working still, too. She was pissed and divorcing his ass.