Domande di Internet

Virgins of Internet, how bored are you of all the questions about sex on this sub?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Virgins of MassimoL, how bored are you of all the questions about sex on this sub?
Virgins of MassimoL, how bored are you of all the questions about sex on this sub?

Ed ecco le risposte:

I suspect that’s who is posting the questions to begin with

So bored I had to go take care of myself in the bathroom just now.

I like reading the replies, it feels like as if I’m training for my turn

Obligatory “not a virgin but my mother is”

Listen broski I am bored shitless of sex questions and it’s not because I’m a virgin I am but that’s not why no the reason I’m bored of sex questions is because with the exception of some minor and underappreciated OC the sex questions have all been posted at least once a month since MassimoL was FOUNDED.