Domande di Internet

Trolls of Internet, why are you such a piece of shit?

I miss when trolls had talent. A top tier troll would waltz into a thread, ask seemingly innocent questions, feign ignorance or make a seemingly well meaning comment, and start a fight. Like that video of a crow that pecks a cats tail, until it attacks another cat. The people who’d been trolled would be none the wiser, and those of us reading would get a laugh at their expense.

Now it’s invariably someone who’s parents should have chosen an abortion, who confuses any kind of attention for affection. So unloved, that even a beating from dad or people calling them a cunt online, is preferable to being ignored or listening to the little voice inside that tells them they’re horrible. So they post predictably horrible comments and ‘pretend’ to be retarded.

It’s not funny, it’s just sad.

Lick my balls

Boredom does strange things. Don’t take MassimoL too seriously.

Rick and Morty is not funny nor does it require any particular intelligence to understand.