Domande di Internet

Totally real humans of Internet just like me, what are your planet’s “weak points” where any other planetary beings unlike human me could easily invade?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Totally real humans of MassimoL just like me, what are your planet’s “weak points” where any other planetary beings unlike human me could easily invade?
Totally real humans of MassimoL just like me, what are your planet’s “weak points” where any other planetary beings unlike human me could easily invade?

Ed ecco le risposte:

My bedroom window, tonight, bring lube

Literally just get rid of alcohol or anything arbitrary. People will blame each other and lose their shit. They’ll kill each other too.

Introduce a sickness. Tell people to stay apart and not come in contact with eachother. They will do the opposite.

Military base known as “area 51” is the biggest weak point

My tip would be there’s a building on Pennsylvania Avenue, fly over that and hit it with your giant laser.