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To those who genuinely enjoy doing Math, How and Why?

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To those who genuinely enjoy doing Math, How and Why?

Ed ecco le risposte:

It’s just a challenge I want to beat. Seeing how math works can honestly be fascinating once you get into more abstract maths. The way ideas unfold and overlap between each other can be incredibly interesting

To me its like solving a puzzle. This is assuming I either know how to do the puzzle or can find out how with relative ease.

If the above two conditions aren’t met then it can be frustrating, but if they are, then doing math isn’t too bad for me, and can actually be quite fun.

Cos trying to solve a problem can lead to you to go down a Tangent. It’s basically a Sin to not consider thinking outside the box (or triangle).

The spark you feel when realizing a way to solve a hard problem is awesome.

It just all adds up.