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To people who sleep easily/fast, how the fuck?

That’s my secret, I’m always tired. Seriously, though. Years of sleep deprivation due to undiagnosed sleep apnea along with exhaustion from being an introvert with anxiety in an extroverted world. Left to my own devices, I’d sleep 12 hrs a day.

Genuine response. It’ll take a while to get used to it, but turn everything off an hour before bed. Your brain produces and releases melatonin when it’s night time and you’re not exposed to light (mainly blue light). Let your body naturally get used to producing melatonin around the same time each night and you’ll eventually become sleepy.

I use my phone as much as I can, when you feel a bit sleepy then drop your phone and close your eyes.

This doesn’t work for other people it depends on your schedule

One word: Pramipexole.

work, exercise same sleep rhythm everyday and melatonin