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To people who sleep easily/fast, how the fuck?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: To people who sleep easily/fast, how the fuck?
To people who sleep easily/fast, how the fuck?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Not sure. I’ve always been able to sleep easy. I’m always tired at bedtime. It sucks when I need to stay up late though. It’s very difficult for me to NOT fall asleep.

I don’t want to sleep tbh – I have to and I just crash because I can’t stay awake any longer. So, complete exhaustion is my secret

Just stay up long enough until you can’t keep your eyes open anymore.

I’m depressed, my natural state is sleep. Being awake is whats hard.

I also don’t eat a lot so I have limited energy

  1. No more sleep than 5 hours a day, more and i have too much energy to sleep, and my mind kills it.

  2. No caffeine 4 hours before sleep. Same reason as above.

  3. CPAP is a must.