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This is Coming from a guy with two sisters. Females of Internet who shower regularly how do clumps of hair always seem to get stuck to the shower wall?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: This is Coming from a guy with two sisters. Females of MassimoL who shower regularly how do clumps of hair always seem to get stuck to the shower wall?
This is Coming from a guy with two sisters. Females of MassimoL who shower regularly how do clumps of hair always seem to get stuck to the shower wall?

Ed ecco le risposte:

We put them there so it doesn’t go down the drain as much. The more hair that goes down the drain the more often we have to clean out the drain. And that’s a gross mess we try to avoid

Because it just… won’t…let…go…dammit. so frustrating. I’m not sure why it’s on the wall, mine end up in the drain and my hair is long enough that one strand can look like a clump.

One of the best ways to reduce hair loss in the shower is to thoroughly brush right before getting in the shower. That way all the loose hairs are in the brush. You still get some, but a lot less. Maybe suggest that to your sisters.

And finally, I just want to say I have an amazing husband. I’ve never cleaned the drain. (He has a far less amazing wife)

As a guy that used to have long hair. I put them there. It was the easiest way to get them off my hands where they were stuck and tangled around after washing/conditioning it. Then you just forget to rinse then of the wall before you finish.

I’m 6ft tall so the distance from the top of my head to the top of my arse is considerable…and that’s how long my hair is. It’s also ungodly thick so I have to throw it around a lot in order to thoroughly rinse it. Shampoo first then the same with conditioner. You’d make a wig out of what I leave in the shower!

It just sticks to the shower walls from being thrown around. Other times, clumps come off in my hands as I’m rinsing and the drain is already blocked – so I kind of stick the clumps to the shower wall as I go.

I don’t think your sisters have an excuse though. When I’m just about ready to get out of the shower, I rinse all four walls down and let the hair clump in the drain. I dry myself in the bathroom and by the time that’s done, the water has drained and I pull all of the hair out of the drain and bin it. That’s just good manners!!

Go yell at them! 🙂

Mine don’t, they often stick to my leg for a while but eventually they end up on the shower floor where I can collect them. Your real issue is that your sisters are not rinsing out the shower properly after use, which is not OK when you share a shower with others. It’s gross to leave your hair in there for the next person.