Domande di Internet

The term “domestic housewife” implies the existence of a wild, feral housewife. What is she like?

Dude, I played in rock bands in the 1980’s. Wild, feral housewives were definitely a thing.

ever heard of Karens?

Come on over and meet my wife. We’ll have some beers and watch her in action.

You just described my ex.

Wanted all of the benefits of being a stay at home mom (no job, open schedule, etc), with none of the responsibilities (housekeeping, child-rearing, etc.)

Also didn’t want to be a parent to our children so much as wanted to be their friend. So when it came down to actually needing to enforce boundaries and rules – I was a the person who did it, making me the bad guy. If I left the room, our kids would go back to doing whatever they were doing previously because their mom told them to ignore me.

It got so bad that my oldest nearly got hit by a car because she said “mama said I don’t have to listen to you” and then ran into traffic.


I once went a month without doing the dishes. Does that count?

Took me 30 years to learn that cleaning the kitchen at night, even when I’m tired, is easier than doing in the morning.