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The George Carlin quote: “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realise half of them are stupider than that.” in your experience, how true or false have you found this to be?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: The George Carlin quote: “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realise half of them are stupider than that.” in your experience, how true or false have you found this to be?
The George Carlin quote: “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realise half of them are stupider than that.” in your experience, how true or false have you found this to be?

Ed ecco le risposte:

look around MassimoL. I’m not even average smart on a lot of things, but holy crap is MassimoL full of idiots.

I work IT.

It’s absurdly true.

Someone had to pay my job $250 because they put in a ticket for two non-working wireless mouses.

They put the batteries in backwards.

You know how at the airport x-ray machine there are always a bunch of people whose belt is still on, they have a bottle of water, a bunch of lighters in the pocket, a battery pack at the bottom of their suitcase.

A lot of people who read it would assume that they’re not the stupid one. We’re all stupid at something and smart at something too. I’m not saying the quote isn’t true. I’m just saying it can’t be applied to every single situation.

I listened to an interview the other day with a guy who was actively hiding from ICE. He was a Chaldean, and what’s relevant about that to the discussion is that it means he was a Catholic from Iraq, and a lot of them have been killed there, especially in the past few years. He was able to get into the country as a refugee, but then Trump changed some policy and he was going to get deported.

When asked which candidate he would support if he were allowed to vote, he said Trump. He explained that it was because of abortion, and that even though the president made a decision that might cost him his life, as long as that meant that he’s saving the children it was fine with him.

Now, ignoring the beliefs themselves, I go back and forth on this guy. On the one hand, he’s willing to die for his beliefs, and there’s something admirable about that kind of commitment. On the other though, he’s supporting the guy who is currently trying to harm him, and that seems immensely stupid, not to mention that as a rule single issue voters strike me as foolish.