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Teachers/principals/counsellors, why do kids in school that stand up for themselves in self defense get punished, yet the actions of the initial problem gets ignored everyday?

I’m not a teacher but i saw how things worked. People gotta understand it’s not within their power. They are not the judge. If they don’t have the evidence they can’t do anything about it. If someone is a bully it’s likely that everyone knows the bully. But when you(teacher/principals) actually do something about it, it’s only and only your responsibility. So when a student exploit this you’re all alone. In the most slightest mistake there will be no one by your side. No other teacher, no principals, no parents. So you have to act as written excatly.

After i saw it myself i realize how much people expected from a teacher to handle with a three digit number of children while they themselves can’t handle more than a single digit. AND despite this, there are many teachers who risks themselves and their career to help a student.

There can be a couple of different reasons for why this happens a lot.

For one, when it comes to kids sometimes its not as cut and dry as one kid picking on another. There will often times be a lot of back and forth, and both claiming to be the victim. For another, there are many parents out there that will bring lawyers into a situation at the drop of a hat anytime their child gets in trouble, even when that child is a bully. Most schools that I’ve worked in don’t have a large legal fund and will back down if threatened with legal action. Teacher’s also don’t have eyes in the back of their head, and most bullies are smart enough to know not to hit others right in front of the teacher, and if the teacher didn’t see it then that often can mean the difference between a bully being reprimanded and getting off scott free.

The No Tolerance policy is simpily a way for schools to legally protect themselves, and to avoid all of the complication that comes with these sorts of problems. Not saying its right or fair, but given the lack of respect schools/teachers are shown now a days, I don’t see that changing any time soon.

That’s why you should let the bully punch first before you punch back. That’s how you win.

Kids, if you get hit, hit back.

If you want justice, you have to carry it out, and not rely on authority figures to save you. YOU are the judge, jury, and executioner, the proof is in how nobody else takes on these roles to protect you.

Self-defense is the only way to protect yourself. To me it’s obvious this the lesson schools want you to learn – no one will save you, so do the violence necessary yourself.

Not a teacher but several family members are.

It often comes down to lack of evidence. Even if you know one kid is a turd you do have to catch them in the act to do anything about it.