Domande di Internet

Teachers of Internet–What was your “Oh fuck that’s impressive but I still have to punish the kid” moment?

I was the student. Insulted a classmates argument, then reasoning, then intelligence and ended it all with ” so if we want to die let’s jump from this persons ego to iq.” The teacher was trying to cover laughing so hard. They ended up having to talk to me but I could tell they wanted to congratulate me.

student said the reason why scandinavian countries are so successful is because they all have the highest populations of white people. you can’t say something like that in a classroom filled with different races. horrible lmao

I was a student in class at the time, but we had this kid named Micheal, and for whatever reason some of the other kids called him “Mickle” (pronounced like pickle).

In music class, a room designed for sounds to travel, a kid passed a note to him that said “I’ll give you a nickel if you tickle my pickle, Mickle.” And the music teacher snatched it and read it aloud. I don’t think she realized what she read till it was too late but I could tell she was holding in a giggle.