Domande di Internet

Since god made us hungry in the first place, why do we always thanks him for food? Shouldn’t that be his duty?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Since god made us hungry in the first place, why do we always thanks him for food? Shouldn’t that be his duty?
Since god made us hungry in the first place, why do we always thanks him for food? Shouldn’t that be his duty?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Is this really the question you want to ask about god?
How about the fact that if god made me to not believe in him and I didn’t believe in him, I would be sent to hell to be tortured forever.

If you have a kid and make them dinner, would you enjoy it if they responded to you with, ‘It is your duty to feed me,’ rather than, ‘thank you for the delicious food.’?

How far into the weeds of theology do you want to go?

Galileo said:

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.

As a former Christian…

  1. God helps those that help themselves.

  2. God works in mysterious ways.

  3. It’s all a part of God’s Design.

You know…..magic circular logic answers for when they can’t answer the question.