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[Serious] What is something happened to you that no one believes but it’s actually real?

I gained a friend on MassimoL on my 3rd day here 🙂

That i was once suicidal. And attempted it at 11 and it was because of bullies and my abusive stepdad who left 6 months ago so im safe now. Anyway i dont tell people about it but the people in my class want me to die so badly because my panic attacks annoy them. Not that i cant help them but still. So they elaborate on how i should kill myself when the teacher cant hear and i know they dont know my life story but i dont like being told how to kill myself when ive tried it once. It triggers me sometimes but thats something they wont realise.

I got shot. Some friends and I we’re having a baseball game at the diamond, and it got dark. Our field doesn’t have lights so we kept playing. Officers pulled up told me to drop the weapon mid-swing, completed the swing heard a crack and woke up on the hospital the next day. Shot in the chest, an inch from my heart

I was at my boyfriend’s house (he was working at the time) with only his teenaged daughter. We were trying out the new back massager that had handles and required both hands on it due to its weight.

I was on my stomach and she was to my right. As I lay there, I felt a very cold grip on my left wrist, as though someone had quickly grabbed my wrist with a thumb and forefinger. I stopped the daughter and said, “Why did you do that and why are your hands so cold?”

She said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, and my hands haven’t been off the handles this entire time.”

TL;DR Something with a cold hand touched my wrist and I have no idea.

In 7th grade I banged my crush and got her pregnant. had to pay for an abortion. Nobody believed I was the one who got her pregnant because she was super popular and I wasn’t.

Note: We dated for like 8 years, and are married now.

Edit: We were at different schools until high school