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(Serious) What is a documentary that blew your mind?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: (Serious) What is a documentary that blew your mind?
(Serious) What is a documentary that blew your mind?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Ken Burn’s The Vietnam War.

It should be seen in every history classroom in the US.

One of the most comprehensive and horrifying documentaries I’ve ever seen. Soldiers on both sides, diplomats, spies, and citizens who were caught in the middle all share their experiences and perspectives.

US education doesn’t come close to painting a clear picture of the war. What a tragic waste of life. That era was so monstrously fucked up that anyone who watches it will think: “today isn’t so bad.”

As the New York Times put it, the documentary “Will break your heart and win your mind.”

The Fog of War took me by surprise. I didn’t know much about the Cuban Missle Crisis beforehand but I learned a lot about how close we came to all-out nuclear war. There’s a ton of other details from that era as well that really surprised me.

Free Solo is one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen

  1. March of the Penguins
  2. The Cove

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