Summer of 1986, I was 16 and she was 13. We had sex, she felt guilty and told her mom, mother insisted that our consensual sex was actually me forcing her daughter. Heard her brothers were looking for me as well as her father, who was a cop. No reasoning or explaining anything, I just had to run. Flew to the mainland and have never been back. Consider the place I was born and raised as a dead part of me, try not to think about them or her to keep the rage and sadness at bay. Sometimes saw things on my timeline about her and her family, closed my account. Too old for past burdens, I’ve built a life for myself and am happy.
Lawyer up. Polygraph test, character statements from both your trusted male and female friends, DNA evidence, self reinforcement of the event in question (not allowing yourself to be gaslit by anyone else, including yourself), and legally beating it.
You won’t ever forget it, but try not to harbor resentment towards women. You’re not going to do yourself any favors that way. You’re probably not going to trust people for awhile, and that’s normal, but don’t let it run your life.
You don’t cope with it. I’ve seen to many men end their lives after a bitch ruins it.
And please don’t get me wrong here when I say this. But for men its a much harder experience to go through this process because the law isn’t on their side. All a woman has to do is report it (which is tough just to get to the point to report it when somethinghas actually occurred) and things begin happening in her favor. I had a friend who got lucky and actually turned it on that bitch who falsely reported him… the system is not favorable for men…
But then once its all over…. thats when its just begun… every police siren begins to induce painc… every time you interact with a woman you question yourself or you lash out because you can’t trust em… you jump at everytime your girl yells at you… you either put it behind you…. or well… you put everything behind you…. I was lucky to be able to move on…. some people aren’t so lucky…