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Pro-life of Internet, what should we do with the unwanted children that would otherwise be aborted?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Pro-life of MassimoL, what should we do with the unwanted children that would otherwise be aborted?
Pro-life of MassimoL, what should we do with the unwanted children that would otherwise be aborted?

Ed ecco le risposte:

So I feel like I’ve read through hundreds of comments and none are from pro-lifers answering the question.

I have… A Modest Proposal.

I’m not pro-life, but my brother who is staunchly pro-life says that every child deserves free healthcare, school, food, and housing. Literally want for nothing until they are adults and then hopefully with the skills/knowledge that’s been provided, begin taking care of themselves. I happen to agree, only wish that it extended beyond just kids, but baby steps I guess.

Make them work in the mines

Fix the entire shit system when it comes to kids. Adoption, foster care, everything needs to be addressed.

If the mother wanted an abortion and their state laws prevented it from happening, then the child should be supported by that state’s government until 18

I feel like pro-life and pro-choice are operating at completely different wavelengths. What pro-choicers don’t seem to fully grasp is that pro-lifers believe abortion is straight up murder. Like no different than taking a newborn and killing it. They do not see a difference. That is how they see the entire situation regardless of whether whoever reads this comment believes the same thing.

So looking at it from that frame of mind, the question can be rephrased as “Pro-life of MassimoL, why can’t we literally murder humans we cannot care for or will not be loved because they are unwanted?”

That gotcha I hear on MassimoL all the time of “well they’re pro-life until they’re born smh smh” isn’t really a gotcha using that same reference point. These people think they’re stopping infanticide, regardless of the aftermath. That’s like stopping a depressed person from committing suicide but not doing anything to fix the underlying issue in that depressed person’s life.

I believe a strong social safety net, access to contraceptives, and robust sex education is vital. I think refusing to accept these while also touting anti-abortion laws is a bit self-defeating. I also think that pro-life loud crowd and pro-choice loud crowd are arguing with one another but they’re not even in the same metaphorical building. Just screaming into the void with no one to listen. You won’t be able to convince someone who thinks abortion is literal murder to change their stance. But you can argue about some of the secondary points of ensuring children get the care they need. Probably wont be successful, but you’ll be significantly more successful than arguing pro-choice to a pro-lifer.

“… and would you agree to the tax increases necessary to make that happen?”

This topic is my most frequent counterpoint to people who believe capitalism can cure all ills. It’s great for scaling industry and solving inefficiencies, but there will never be any money in orphans.*

  • Barring some Modest Proposal type stuff

Significant subsidies for daycare would be a good start. Private, quality daycare costs thousands per month. Most couples cannot afford this and should receive vouchers so they can. Just because people are poor or middle-class doesn’t mean they should put their kids in high-risk, unlicensed daycare.

I don’t think you’ll actually find a pro-lifer on r/askreddit (or one that won’t be downvoted into oblivion for giving an honest answer) but you could always go the North Korean government route and sell them into slavery to the Chinese.

Make it easier and cheaper for loving families to adopt.

They should become desperate parents that are easily exploited in the workforce as cheap dispensable labor that invariably raise the next generation of easily exploited labor that will follow right along in their parents footsteps since they were left with no time to raise them properly. That is the actual plan. The quiet part said out loud.

Give it to the pro lifers to adopt.

We should invest in comprehensive sex education, accessible contraception, and support systems for expectant parents to reduce unwanted pregnancies while fostering a society that values and cares for every child.

Regardless of any of this- Are there really millions of people that don’t understand that being pregnant is incredibly dangerous to your health?

I was a perfectly healthy police officer working full-time and fully supporting myself as a homeowner, I became pregnant at 29 years old- and 7 months later the pregnancy had woken up a genetic condition that I did not know I had, leaving me permanently disabled and unable to ever work again.

My house was foreclosed on, I had to leave my career despite having gotten two degrees… And still owing almost $50,000 in student loans… And my permanent forever income is $1,100 a month before taxes for the rest of my life.

I’d like to know how anyone can justify forcing pregnancy on someone….

My pregnancy was the result of a violent and unconsensual sexual assault.

This wasn’t a “Just be pregnant for 9 months and then give the baby to someone and go back to your regular life”

That was my plan at the time – I had been on birth control, I was single and had not been having sex with anyone- But I decided to give the baby up for adoption because I didn’t want to have an abortion.

That choice left me permanently disabled.

I’m pretty sure that there’s a huge amount of people who just think pregnancy is 9 months of your life and then if you don’t have a baby to take care of, You can just go back to life like it never happened.

Also- Being pregnant, for a vast many people, means missing significant amounts of work because of severe morning sickness and extreme fatigue. Do you really want a restaurant server, serving you food- Well they carry around a small garbage can and vomit into it repeatedly in between handing you your plates?

Pregnancy involves a new wardrobe – Even if you get the absolute bare minimum number of maternity clothing items – The seasons will change while you are pregnant, So you are going to need things to wear when it is both hot and cold in most climates… And if you’re trying to work at a job where you have some sort of dress code like ” business casual “… How are you supposed to afford to buy all that new clothing?

Even if you decide that you’re going to give the baby up for adoption at the end of the pregnancy- ideally, That woman needs to go to regular appointments which will mean missing work – And even if they have absolutely no symptoms which is extremely uncommon – They need at minimum 6 weeks to recover from labor or severe abdominal surgery… And I would just like to know who these pro-life people think is going to foot the bill for all of that.

And then if the pregnancy does leave you completely and utterly disabled for the rest of your life – then what?

I did what you pro-life people think is the “right thing”. I was raped- didn’t want kids – remained pregnant…

And now I’ve lost my home, ruined my credit, i live with severe 24/7 chronic pain… And i can never work again. So … Where are all these prolifers who were supposed to be supporting me since i did “the right thing”?

The baby is alive because of my choice. That YOU urged me to choose. Yet… No one cares that The pregnancy completely destroyed my life.. because that doesn’t matter?

I think it’s important to address why a mother may have wanted to abort in the first place and, if possible, offer solutions to those problems.

For example, a majority of people are waiting/ not wanting children simply because they can’t afford it. To fix this issue, we’d need to first address other major issues in this country such as corporate greed. Giving more power to unions and people in general when it comes to work would help improve people’s financial situations. Housing can fall into this as well, as many don’t want to start a family until they have a house to raise those kids: make housing affordable for Americans.

People being able to afford to give their children the lives they deserve would help to drive down the number of women who wanted those abortions to begin with.

Supporting better birth control measures and having some that can be used by men would prevent pregnancies in the first place. In tandem with this point is better sex education, as this also helps reduce unwanted pregnancy.

Finally, improving the adoption process and ensuring children receive all the support they need in the system is integral. Many unwanted pregnancies result in children being put into orphanages where their lives and opportunities immediately plummet. Being an orphan means they have ZERO financial support or a safety net going into adulthood. These children need support well into adulthood such as full tuition paid for to go into college. Colleges should also be incentivized to allow these children(now adults I guess) to be accepted into college, so they have a better chance at success in life. If not college then some form of higher education such as trades. Regardless how you spin it, these people are the most vulnerable of our community.

With ALLLLLL of this, I think it answers what we should do with these unwanted children: make them wanted by improving the lives of the parents AND improve the system for unwanted children.

But allowing abortion again would honestly be a simpler solution

Obviously, we should cut all state and federal funding for welfare programs that support low-income families and early childhood development. Let’s also shoot down ideas like free school lunches, and make sure to reduce the pool of potential adopters by using religion as a criteria.

The same people who vote pro-life tend to support these things, or vote for the politicians who support these things, so clearly they don’t care about the kids once they’re born. They’re not pro-life, they’re pro-birth.

speaking as a previous pro-lifer growing up i believe pro-life people have a rose-tinted view on social safety nets and adoption, so just fund those more. the baby will go to a good orphanage, get adopted by a good family, work hard and pull themselves up by the bootstraps, go to college on scholarship, get a good job, and potentially become the next einstein.

so unfortunately thats the exception and not the norm, as most women forced to go on with giving birth will usually keep the child which will keep them both poor or give it up to adoption or foster care which will most likely also cause a hard life for the child especially factoring in race.

That is an oversimplified question that assumes that all abortions are elective. Pregnancy, despite what movies, TV, and evangelical Christians would have you believe, is not a beautiful, natural thing for all women. Complications are extremely common, and many can be life threatening for the mother. There is no one-size-fits-all in this, which is why total abortion bans are shear evil.